
Son of Sedonia - Character Poster Illustration

Character Concept - "Liberty"

Character Concept - "Buttercup"

Character Concept - "Buttercup" Material Callouts

Epic Games - Paragon Animation Concept - "Vamp" Spawn Animation

Epic Games - Paragon Animation Concept - "Vamp" Recall Animation

Epic Games - Fortnite Concept Test - "Ninja"

Epic Games - Fortnite Concept Test - Stylized Head Variants 

Portraiture Study - Photo-real light and color

Son of Sedonia - Character Concepts - "Jogun & Matteo"
Son of Sedonia - Character Concept - "Sgt John Kabbard" Version 1

Son of Sedonia - Character Concept - "Sgt John Kabbard" Final

Epic Games - Paragon Concept Test - "Deep Core Steel" Hero Skin

Character Concept - "Kabuto"

Naughty Dog's The Last of Us - Fan Concept Art - Clicker Variants

Character Concept - "Mr Yamashiro"

Schell Games - Unity 3D Demo - "Oka" Character Concept

Character Concept - "Joru the Wise"

Walt Disney Imagineering - Sum of All Thrills - "Crash" Robot Companion Concepts

Walt Disney Imagineering - Sum of All Thrills - "Crash" Robot Companion Final

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